Scissor Steel & Materials For Hair Shears In America

America is a place where barbers can be professional and an amateur hairdresser may be called "barber".

What is the best type of steel for cutting? How can I determine whether the price is worth it?

The most popular questions you receive from people. It appears to be simple questions. But, the reality is not so simple. This is the toughest part of buying the right hairdressing scissors or barber shears.

What kind of steel are my shears made of? What is the main difference between high-quality and low-quality hairdressing scissor steel?

What is the difference between scissor steel from other types?

  • The blades' sharpness
  • You'll be amazed at how easily they are sharpened.
  • Corrosion resistance
  • The weight of the scissor
  • The delicate and brittle nature of the blades
  • What is the length of time it will be?

In this way you will be able to see why $300 is a better price for scissors for hairdressing than $99. It is vital to use the top tools when you work on your hair every day. This means it will last for a lengthy duration and gives you the performance you need with accuracy.

Understanding the various kinds of scissor steel

It is not an easy task to find out a good pair of scissors for cutting hair. The reason is that different models and brands use several kinds of steel. So, what are the steel types suited most well for barber shears as well as hairdressing scissors?

The grade of scissor-steel will be measured by the Rockwell hardness Rating, or HRC/HR. This rating measures the strength and the hardness of the blades. The sharpest scissor knife will provide you with greater quality.

Haircutting scissors are manufactured from stainless steel. The Rockwell Hardness Scale is used to assess the quality of steel. Here's a list of what you can expect from low and high-quality cutting scissors for haircuts in America.

Hardness Quality Estimated Price
50-55 HRC Low-quality, soft-cutting blade From $50 up to $199
55-57 HRC Hairdressing scissor blades for entry level Between $99 and $299
Between 57 and 59 HRC This blade is a mid-grade scissor. It is easy to sharpen, rust-resistant and tougher From $149 to $400
Between 58 and 60 HRC Scissors of a high-end or middle-quality cutting $249 to $800
60 to 62 HRC Blades of high-quality for cutting hair. This feature is included in premium scissors. This feature is simple to use, and rust resistant as well as having a more sharp and durable edge. From $299 to $1000
60 to 63 HRC Hair cutting blade of the finest quality. They're only available to only the best hair cutting scissors. $700 to $1500

The HRC aspect is vital. Higher HRC means you'll have a tougher material, shaper blade, more resistant to corrosion and other things.

But, when deciding between good and low-quality hair cutting scissors you have be looking beyond HRC. Quality and manufacturing standards affect the efficiency of a scissors and.

We'll begin by reviewing the most popular steel names to provide a complete understanding of them.

The stainless steel's quality and its craftsmanship determines the distinction in the cut quality of scissors.

There is a cost difference between cheap and expensive hair scissors.

Then, we will discuss the top material to use for hair scissors. In addition, you'll learn about the best quality steel used in cutting shears for haircutting.

Best stainless steel hairdressing scissors

Hair scissors of all kinds can be made of stainless steel. Japan is the top producer of hair scissors that are made of stainless steel.

The Japanese steel has certain benefits of using them on scissors. It gives sharp edges, provides a excellent balance for great ergonomics, and needs less sharpening.

The most effective Japanese steel to use for hair scissors is ATS314 and VG1. VG10, VG1 and 440C.

Better metal means better blades

Japanese hair scissors feature convex edges and sharp blades. It is made of high-quality, hardened steel. So, the sharp edge of the blade stays for a longer period. The steel that has been hardened means that you don't have to sharpen it.

Better metal means better ergonomics

The best quality steel is light in weight. Therefore, it exerts very little stress on your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers when cutting hair.

A longer time to live for a scissor will mean better metal

Premium Japanese steel means the hair scissors are more resistant to corrosion. Japanese steel is able to last about 20 years or even longer provided you take good treatment of them.

Where can you buy the best hair scissor steel?

You can find the top quality hair scissors by using the following steel.

  • Japanese steel - This steel is the top in the world.
  • German steel - The best quality from a European country
  • Korean steel - The finest in Asia
  • Chinese steel - Great quality
  • Taiwanese steel - Excellent quality

The steel with the worst quality is produced in India, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The hair scissors from these countries have blunt edges. They need to be sharpened frequently before they become damaged.

Top 10 Steel for Hair Scissors

With different kinds of metals used, finding the right barber shears may be difficult. This list contains the 10 most well-known hair scissors steels, arranged in order of most to least.

Steel Rankings Name Description
1 ATS314 (ATS-314) Premium Japanese steel with Vanadium, Titanium and cobalt in large quantities
2 VG10 Gold (VG-10) Japanese steel with top quality levels of Vanadium and Titanium. Ideal for cutting knives and scissors
3 V10 (V-10) A high concentration of Vanadium Titanium, which gives hair scissor blades more force
4 V1 (V-1) Starter-level Vanadium and Titanium to sharpen scissor edges
5 S3 (S-3). To ensure sharp cutting edges, high levels of Supreme Cobalt are required
6 S1 (S-1). Entry-level Cobalt for hair that is hardened and cutting edges
7 440C High-end hair scissors made of Japanese steel, and then hardened.
8 440A Normal cutting blades that are made of regular steel
9 420 For cutting knives and scissors stainlesssteel with a low price.
10 410 Steel that is not standard grade is not recommended for professional hair scissors.

Vanadium and titanium increase the strength and toughness of hair scissors. They make the scissors lighter, so that you can cut more easily.

Cobalt steel is durable and light. It has a sharp cutting edge and keeps it for a long period of time. This means that you don't need to sharpen it regularly.

Top 15 hairdressing scissors for steel

The following rankings for the top steel are based on efficiency, value, and the quality. The best quality scissor-steel is readily available. We have listed the following in accordance with everyone's budget.

This is the best quality of steel for hair scissors and hair stylists all over the world.

1. 64 HRC: V1 (V-1)

The V1 steel variant is certainly one of the top quality steels. A lot of hairdressers and barbers use this kind of steel. V1 steel is the next generation of V10. The steel offers the scissor with increased strength, crack resistance, and stronger blades.

The V1 steel grade is employed in scissors. This is a guarantee of top-quality. It also has a high cost.

2. Between 62 and 63 HRC: ATS314 (ATS-314)

The ATS314 steel is manufactured by Hitachi Metals Corporation in Japan. The top barber shears and hairdressing scissors are made of this type of steel. There are plenty of companies that talk about using the ATS314 steel in their hair scissors. There are a handful of companies that use the metal made by Hitachi.

This is a high-quality scissor knife. It is extremely tough. Blades remain sharper over longer durations due to this superior hardness. It's effective when handling a clam-shaped convex blade edge.

3. 60 HRC 3.60 HRC: V10 (VG-10).

VG10, also known as V Gold 10, is another premium Japanese steel that is used for hairdressing scissors. Takefu Special Steel is the producer. This high-quality steel is good for cutting hair. It is resistant to corrosion and prevents the abrasion.

The VG10 cutting scissors feature sharper blades, for example an angled, beveled or convex edges.

The VG10 version of steel is very lightweight and sharp. It is used only by scissors of the highest quality. But it's not restricted to Japan. Because Japanese metal firms are famous to export internationally,

4. 60-62 HRC 10CR

Are you looking for an updated version of 440C steel? The 10CR steel is suitable for use in professional settings. It's a lot like Takefu or Hitachi's VG10. Its steel quality gives you the highest level of sharpness when you use your haircutting scissors.

These features include the sharpness retention of blades, toughness and wear resistance as well as pricing. This is a top-quality steel that is suitable for cutting and barbering. The price tag is below $1000.

5. Between 58 and 60 HRC: 440C

The 440C variant can be available on brands that are well-known like Yasaka. It offers all-rounder performance in terms the resistance and strength.

This type of steel blades are also very affordable. They are razor-sharp with an edge that is convex. It makes professional hairdresser and barber scissor.

6. 6.

This steel is an excellent choice for making high quality barber and scissors. It functions in the same method as Hitachi's steel 440C and transforms every scissor to a professional tool.

It has a high blade edge retention , which ensures that your hair razor-sharp for many years. Steel offers wear and corrosion resistance for extra longevity. Furthermore, the scissors made of this steel will satisfy every hair stylist's needs.

7. 57 to 60 HRC 7CR

7CR 7CR is the harder variant of 4CR. The steel offers great edge retention, wear, and corrosion resistance. It will sharpen with ease.

This kind of steel is perfect to cut hair in the middle of the range. This means that it is great for both professionals and home hairdressers, as well for apprentices.

8. 56-58 HRC 420

The 420 type of steel is slightly more soft than Japan's 440C. It's perfect for hair scissors that are mid-level. Furthermore, you can count on low costs from this variant of steel. It's still a good choice for professionals.

9. 55-58 HRC: Stainless Alloy Steel

Steel can be used to make hair scissors from any kind of steel. In simple terms, it's an unspecific term that doesn't provide enough information on the hair scissor that you purchase.

In America, you can find stainless steel products from various brands that range from 55 to 58 HRC. They are a great choice for achieving excellent results. They're also reasonably priced in price, ranging from $99 up to $200.

10. 62 HRC S3 (S-3)

Unique and rare steel made in Japan's Yasuki Silver. The S3 is a well-known brand for its high-quality cutting blades that are superior in terms of toughness. You can find them in chefs and kitchen knives. They can also be found in hairdressing scissors and barber shears.

The S3 steel blades are also highly resistant to corrosion and possess a premium level of hardness. They are the ideal tool for professionals.

11. 56 HRC: 403

Common chromium steel 56 HRC has wear resistance, corrosion and damage. They can be found in Japanese mid-level cutting scissors.

12. 53 to 56 HRC: Chromium Steel

Chromium steel can be divided into different types. It is used on German and European hair scissors. Popular brands like Jaguar make use of Chromium steel in the production of their basic haircutting scissors.

If you're in a pinch the chromium steel scissors are an excellent choice. Also, they can be quite inexpensive. They're ideal to be used with bevel-edged blades because of their precision.

13. 56-58 HRC: 4CR14MOV

Similar similar to 4CR13 Similar to 4CR13, the 4CR14MOV stainless steel model is available. They are easily found in the majority of mid-level hairdressing scissors due to their availability.

Moreover, they perform well in this area and are well-liked by scissor brands from outside Japan.

14. 53 to 55 HRC 3.CR13

3CR13 is a popular version of stainless steel from China. It also shares some of the same characteristics with the AUS4 420J2 (AUS4). It's a basic steel that is used to make ordinary haircutting scissors for hair. But, it's best not to use thinning shears that are of this kind.

15. 55-57 HRC 5-57 HRC

The 4CR13 is also known as 40CR13 steel is a standard steel variant. It is stronger and more durable comparable to 3CR13 steel. It is stronger and may be used by makers of scissor to produce sharp convex or bevel edge cutting blades.

Do you think it is a good idea to purchase the steel scissors 4CR13? They are as effective as most mid-level hair cutting tools. This is a good alternative for cutting hair that doesn't cost the most.

The distinction between steel of high quality and low-quality steel is apparent in Canadian scissors

There is no question that all kinds of scissors are manufactured from stainless steel. There are however certain quality grades of steel. That is what makes the main difference between the various variants of stainless steel. The stainless-steel's quality is also an important factor in the performance of hair scissors.

High-quality stainless steel hair scissors are more efficient than low-quality hair scissors. The general efficiency of the hairdressing tool will be affected by the grade of the steel.

In essence, the finest hair scissors made of steel you can purchase is from Japan. The Japanese stainless steel scissors are sharper edges that make it easier to cut perfect hair. The light balance on the device aids in the ergonomics too. It doesn't require frequent sharpening due to its quality of construction.

It is impossible to find the same features in a cheap steel scissor. A pair of good quality steel scissors are required for anyone who is a hairdresser, novice or professional. Most popular Japanese steels are ATS314 or 440C, and VGC1 as well as VG10.

Quality steel is better for blades - With quality steel that is hardened the cutting blades become more sharp. This improves the cutting performance. Japanese shears use convex edge blades. In this way, it needs less sharpening due to the hard steel.

Good quality steel provides good ergonomics - Not only the scissors made of top-quality steel are lighter but they also feature an ergonomic design that is comfortable. The majority of premium quality steel is lighter. It's why it is not putting pressure on your elbow, shoulder or wrist. It greatly helps when you are performing the haircut.

High-quality steel provides the scissor an extended life span - The top-quality Japanese hair scissors are more resilient against wear, corrosion and other problems. These scissors are durable and will last for a long duration. It is possible for a Japanese scissor to last about 10 to 20 years. It could last longer based on the care you provide for them.

Which countries make the best scissor-steel?

The finest hair scissors steel is made by Germany, Japan, China, and Japan. Japan produces the highest quality scissor steel. This is the reason for the hype about Japanese haircutting scissors.

Germany is the world's largest producer of premium quality chromium-steel. Jaguar is one of the most successful scissor brands, has a reputation for producing high-quality hairdressing shears.

China produces high-quality steel in huge amounts. They also can challenge Japan and Germany in terms of quality. Moreover, China produces the best steel value at a reasonable price for professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions Scissor Steel

Here are the commonly asked questions about hair scissor steel.

1. Which is the best scissor-steel for me?

The most suitable scissor steel to choose for you is determined by your budget. The best quality is ATS314, VG10, and V1. But each of these might cost you about $1000. If you're looking for the highest price, you should focus on the level of hardness that is at least 58 HRC or higher.

2. 2. What about Titanium-steel scissors?

Titanium steel scissors can mislead at times. They could be colored coatings or element in the making of steel cutting tools. To get the best scissor steel for you look at its hardness.

3. What is the most budget-friendly steel?

The 440C is an excellent option if you are on a tight budget. Steel scissors that have 56 HRC could be reasonably priced and can deliver high performance.

4. How can I choose my hair cutting scissors?

The steel's quality is what makes the distinction between the quality of the scissors and their price. The cost for high-quality steel is greater. However, the scissors will remain more sharp for a longer period.

5. What can I do to avoid poor-quality or fake steel from Pakistan or China?

Pakistan produces the most harmful hair scissors and you should not buy them. There are a variety of Chinese steel that include premium and low-quality kinds. For buying hair scissors on the internet make sure you stay away from Amazon, eBay, and Wish. Therefore, focus on reputed sites that offer exchange or warranty. So, you can play with the scissors and get a feel for the quality.

6. Which is the most popular scissor for cutting hair?

The most widely used steel used to make hair scissors is the 440C.

7. What is the best hair-cutting scissor for professionals?

Professionals prefer Japanese steel at 440C.

8. Which steel is best for students or apprentice hairdressers?

For the most effective cutting scissors for beginners, the 440A is the ideal choice.

9. Does a 100% titanium hair scissor exist?

There isn't hair scissors that are 100 percent titanium. But, there are some shears with 2 to 10% titanium in them.

10. What is stainless steel?

It is used for all blades of scissor. There are a variety of variations for stainless steel and the top-quality versions are quite harder.

11. Which metal is the best to use for cutting hair?

VG10 or ATS314 premium stainless steel for hair scissors from Japan.

12. What's the deal with Damascus scissor steel?

Damascus Steel is utilized to make hair scissors. It's an aesthetic. The steel isn't used for more than 300 years.

13. Are Titanium scissor steels better?

Blades are more durable and more durable due to Titanium. Premium hair scissors can be found in Titanium. In addition, Titanium blades have great quality, are light and are sharper.

14. What is 6CR steel?

The 6CR13MOV, or 6CR steel, is made up of a 0.66 carbon additional element in the material. It is a good choice for hair cutting shears that are basic.

15. What's the difference between the 9CR steel model?

9CR13MOVCO also called 9CR18MOV, also known as 9CR, is Chinese steel that is of the highest quality. It is used in the top haircutting and barbering scissors.

16. What is a Titanium coated scissor?

The layer of Titanium on hair shears is intended to be used for styling. It doesn't enhance the precision or effectiveness of the hair scissor.

17. Are the powder-steel hair scissors worth it?

Powder steel is a high-quality metal that is the result of a unique process. So, shears made from powder steel have sharper blades, better corrosion resistance as well as a slim design. The Japanese Takefu VG10, Hitachi ATS314 and Japanese Hitachi ATS314 scissors are comparable to the ones made of powder steel.

Conclusion: What scissor steel should I choose for America?

If you are looking for professional scissors with a HRC of 60 or lower when shopping for these.

The most commonly used type of professional scissor is the 440C, and there are versions from other countries (non-Japanese) that come from China and South Korea that provide you with a less expensive professional cutting experience.

We would love to hear your opinions about the most effective haircutting scissor products you've come across in America!